12 essential cybersecurity layers you can't ignore

过去,企业的澳门赌场网址大全意味着在他们的网络和数据周围建立一个技术障碍,他们很容易做到. Sadly, that’s not enough anymore.

企业的澳门赌场网址大全风险已经发生了变化,员工每天使用的技术也是如此. 你的组织可能正在使用更多的云应用程序,让你的员工在比以往更多的地方工作,网络犯罪分子会喜欢利用你不知道的漏洞.

底线是,过去的澳门赌场网址大全战略无法解决当今企业面临的IT安全挑战. 现代安全方法所需的安全层包括一些以前可能没有的策略.

Essential 澳门赌场网址大全 Layers

以下澳门赌场网址大全策略列表应被视为有效管理网络风险的起点. 使用该列表向您的IT团队提出问题,这些问题可能会发现您在如何保护您的网络领域方面存在差距.

  1. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
  2. Up-to-Date IT Systems
  3. 澳门赌场网址大全 Awareness Training
  4. Simulated Phishing Training for Employees
  5. Comprehensive Email Security
  6. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
  7. 网关安全
  8. Segregated Backups
  9. 补丁管理
  10. 网络保险
  11. Secure Remote Access
  12. 安全策略

1. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA是关于身份管理的,它已经成为你可以用来防止网络攻击的最有效的工具. MFA验证试图进入网络或帐户的用户确实是他们所说的那个人.

Used in conjunction with good password management, MFA utilizes something that only the authentic user has access to – like a smartphone, an ID or a fingerprint – to gain access to an online account or computer.

2. Up-to-Date IT Systems

澳门赌场网址大全(和IT管理)最佳实践包括保持IT系统中的硬件和软件保持最新状态. Never run software that has gone out of support – like Windows 7 – because it can’t be patched.

较新的软件在现代设备上运行得最好,某些安全控制无法在较旧的软件和较慢的计算机上实现. 你会发现较新的软件有很多内置的安全功能,你可以在最新的系统上充分利用MFA和EDR等应用程序

3. 澳门赌场网址大全 Awareness Training

你的员工应该接受持续的培训,以帮助他们识别和应对网络攻击. Teaching people how to evaluate URLs, 电子邮件地址和常见的网络犯罪策略将帮助他们不那么容易受到社会工程的影响, and savvier about security.

Many attacks happen through valid email accounts that have been hacked. 当这种情况发生时, 入侵者可以进入电子邮件流并添加恶意链接或附件,而垃圾邮件过滤器无法捕获它.


4. Simulated Phishing Training for Employees

在进行澳门赌场网址大全意识培训的同时,还进行了识别欺诈性信息的练习,这些信息要求收件人点击链接, download an attachment or do something they wouldn’t otherwise do – like transfer money. 用户对模拟网络钓鱼的反应可以识别出那些更容易上当受骗的人, and automatically follows up with more practice to develop better judgment.

5. Comprehensive Email Security

最好在一开始就防止网络钓鱼邮件进入员工的收件箱,所以有一个先进的垃圾邮件过滤器是必不可少的. Filters can be configured to handle suspicious emails in different ways, and you can set parameters for how you want the software to handle suspicious messages.

垃圾邮件过滤器还会标记来自公司外部的邮件,这样如果邮件上写着“来自你们的CEO”,但实际上并不是来自你们的CEO, they’ll get a red flag that it’s a scam.

As mentioned previously, when cyber criminals can take control of a valid account, their moves can be difficult to spot, so you need email security that incorporates different layers of analysis and detection.

6. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

An endpoint is anything connected to your network, 可以是笔记本电脑, 平板电脑, smartphone or IoT (Internet of Things) device. Endpoints are potential doors to your network and data, so you have to lock them down.

端点安全工具使用人工智能来主动查找和阻止来自每个设备的流量中的入侵和隐藏威胁. The software also collects data to investigate intrusions so that security holes can be closed.

7. 网关安全

Gateways monitor internet traffic going in and out of your network. 安全网关可以防止未经授权的数据删除,并拦截恶意文件的进入. 网关还可以扫描发送到云应用程序的数据,并防止员工访问受感染的网站,这些网站可以卸载恶意软件或冒充网页,人们可能会在不知不觉中泄露他们的登录名和密码信息.

8. Segregated Backups

If a cyber-attack takes over your network and that’s where your backups are located, that’s a big problem. Backups are only useful if you can get the files you need to restore your systems. The best practice is to have backups separate from the local network, and to have unique login credentials that aren’t used anywhere else on backup devices.

9. 补丁管理

网络犯罪分子积极寻找软件的后门,以便进入运行该软件的计算机. While bad guys are looking for these vulnerabilities, so are software developers and they release patches to close them up when they find them. In many cases patches can be applied automatically, but some oversight is necessary to make sure that everything is up to date and functioning properly

10. 网络保险

没有人能100%保证你永远不会受到网络攻击,所以网络保险已经成为你的澳门赌场网址大全战略中必不可少的组成部分,以支付阻止攻击所产生的成本, 收拾残局, and get operations back up and running.

如果你能证明你在管理网络风险方面做出了可接受的努力,你就能获得最优惠的网络保险费率. What used to be considered a normal security posture is now considered weak, and you might not be able to get cyber insurance at all.

11. Secure Remote Access

Chances are good that you have more people working from home than you did pre-pandemic. Security for remote access can be accomplished with different processes, depending on how employees are accessing your network and information. If they’re using a remote desktop, make sure they’re connecting via a VPN. Other technologies to secure remote access include secure gateways like SSL. Whatever you’re doing to secure remote access, require MFA for accessing accounts.

12. 安全策略

澳门赌场网址大全的非技术部分是关于员工如何访问信息和使用公司设备. Spell all your expectations for these behaviors out in your security policies. 当员工知道该怎么做,并明白不遵守你的政策的后果时,你的政策将是最有效的. Training and reinforcement of behaviors are essential, as are consequences for neglecting them.

Not Sure If You’re Secure?

企业的IT安全措施列表并不是您可以随意挑选的菜单. 这是一个起点,也是根据您的业务和行业可能需要的额外安全层的基础.

It takes every layer to set up an effective cybersecurity strategy. 使用此列表开始与您的IT团队进行对话,看看他们是否涵盖了您的所有安全基础. If what you hear doesn’t give you confidence, or you just want to get an objective perspective, contact us for a cybersecurity consultation.

At Bellwether, we’ve invested in the expertise and tools needed to build a solid cyber defense. 我们运营自己的安全运营中心(SOC),该中心是经过第三方验证的有效实践和流程.

联系 us for a cybersecurity assessment 并找出你的组织是否缺少构成小型企业澳门赌场网址大全的基本层面. You may be exposed to more risk than you want or need.