
“我们需要澳门赌场网址大全评估吗?” That’s what business leaders are asking as they wonder if their organization has gaps in their cybersecurity posture. Sometimes there’s a lack of confidence in the abilities of their IT team to stand up an effective cyber defense. 通常, the decision to conduct a cybersecurity assessment has to do simply with the desire to get an objective view of what’s really going on with security.

不管你是否有技术背景, 澳门赌场网址大全评估可以回答很多问题, 尤其是那些你没想过要问的. 这些问题包括:

  • 管理员权限管理是否正确?
  • 我们的旧硬件是否会造成安全漏洞?
  • 我们的Wi-Fi接入点使用默认密码吗?
  • 我们的第三方软件正在打补丁吗?
  • 我们的防火墙配置正确吗?

幸运的是, you don’t need to know all the questions to get the answers you need to improve security. 你只需要一个澳门赌场网址大全评估. Let’s go through what an assessment entails, starting with the report.

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The product that you get from a cybersecurity assessment will be a lengthy report that contains a list of vulnerabilities along with a ranking of their severity, 从低到临界. The recommendations that come out of the report prioritize items that are critical vulnerabilities.

Essentially, the recommendations tell you how you can reduce your potential attack surface. Here are a few examples of common recommendations that frequently come up.

  • 移除单个用户计算机的管理员权限.
  • Replace hardware that doesn’t utilize a supported operating system or software.
  • Replace default passwords on Wi-Fi access points with strong passwords.
  • 制定第三方软件更新时间表.
  • 配置防火墙,使其加固.

Can you see how these recommendations match up to the questions we mentioned previously?


A cybersecurity assessment report is the result of the gathering and analyzation of lots of data. 这些数据来自三个主要来源:访谈, 外部漏洞扫描, 内部漏洞扫描.

1. 面试

A few conversations with business leaders and perhaps your IT manager, 启动评估过程. Some executives decide not to include IT in this stage because they don’t want them to know that they’re conducting an assessment.

Most IT managers are actually happy to participate in the assessment process because they understand that they can’t know everything, and the report will only help them to be more successful at what they do. 如果你对IT团队的信任度如此之低, there are probably other problems that you need to take care of with IT in addition to cybersecurity.

Some of the questions that are addressed in this initial conversation can include:

  • 你对安全有什么直接的担忧?
  • 您是否有法规遵从性需求?
  • 如何控制对数据和IT系统的访问?

The assessor will also ask some questions to discover if you have factors that affect your risk profile and tolerance. For example, having a high-profile CEO could increase your cyber risk.

2. 外部漏洞测试

Scanning your systems to see if there are any ungated entry points on the outside is a straightforward process. Essentially, the scan is looking for any external facing application that can be compromised. 这些东西就像网站一样, or technologies used by remote workers like Remote Desktop or a Virtual Private Network.

相关: 澳门赌场网址大全超越基础:渗透测试

3. 内部漏洞测试

You might think that an external scan is enough to locate any vulnerabilities, but it’s not. Cyber criminals have all kinds of tactics that they use to get into IT systems. They don’t just look for the computer ports that handle network traffic. 他们会查看连接到你的网络的设备.

Internal vulnerability scans require access to your network via a computing device along with a company account and password. This credentialed access is necessary to get the level of detail that’s needed to uncover weaknesses.

Internal scans look for everything that is connected to your network – every workstation, 扫描仪, 打印机, 服务器, 和设备. Once found, the scan examines the device to answer questions like:

  • 这个设备上的软件是最新的吗?
  • 是否修改过默认密码?
  • 是否安装防病毒或反恶意软件?

这些都是简单的问题. An internal vulnerability scan is going to go deep into the technical weeds of your network and compile a report that could extend 30 pages or more. 不管你是不是技术人员, this is going to be eye-opening because you don’t need to be an IT expert to understand the difference between critical and not critical.


有了你的澳门赌场网址大全评估建议, 你已经准备好制定提高安全性的计划了. Sometimes this part is just as eye opening as the report because you need to contemplate whether your IT team can do everything that needs to be done.

What many small businesses are finding is that they need to bring in expertise that they don’t have internally and that’s where 外包澳门赌场网址大全服务 进来. Not only does outsourcing bring you the security tools and staff that you need to stand up a solid defense, 你可以快速提升安全性.


Bellwether provides 管理网络防御 services for New Orleans companies who understand that managing cyber risk is a requirement for business sustainability. We work with companies to create and implement cybersecurity strategy that covers all the bases, 创造韧性,这样当事情发生时, 他们可以强势反弹.

Is 澳门网赌大全网址公司管理网络防御 适合你? 安排澳门赌场网址大全评估 and you’ll not only discover where you have gaps in security, but you can get a taste of what it might be like to work together.
